Quatres Robes, finished state, in the studio at the Headlands Center for the Arts, in the Marin Headlands. The painting consists of eight panels and originated during my residency at the Vermont Studio Center. I wanted to play around with a painting that could be re-arranged by the viewer. The painting was part of an exhibition I recently had, entitled Belle Epoque, consisting of five single panel paintings and this multi-paneled piece.
The exhibition first opened at Mesa Contemporary Arts (municipal museum), in Mesa, Arizona, curated by Frank deCurtis, formerly the assistant curator there. It was up for three months, moved on to San Francisco, at One Sansome, presented by Jan Casey of Casey and Associates. Again, it was up for a couple of months before being exhibited at Angel's Gate Cultural Center, in Los Angeles. That stretch ran from July to October - it was taken down a week ago, and was reviewed by Kim Beil in Artweek, for the November edition. More images of the works exhibited, studio shots and the review can be seen here on Flickr.
Also, installation shots uploaded by Angel's Gate can be seen here, again on Flickr.